Expanding Your Customer Base

Expanding Your Customer Base

3 Best SEO Practices For Lawyers

Jorge Medina

Previously, many lawyers found new clients through TV ads, word-of-mouth, and telephone book ads. Although some of these methods of marketing continue to have value, having a website and learning SEO is critical for attracting new clients. There are several SEO considerations that can make your practice more successful.

Do Your Homework

The first step in SEO is doing the necessary research to determine which keywords are popular in search engines that are related to your practice. For example, if you practice criminal law, you might notice popular searches include both "criminal lawyer" and "criminal attorney." So you would want to include both phrases on your website to capture a wider range of relevant searches. Based on your research, you might find people search for more specific issues related to criminal law, like "misdemeanor charges" or "felony charges." With this information, you should include a list of the types of cases you handle so you are more likely to appear in these specific searches.

Focus On Local Searches

One of the key components of attracting clients is capturing local searches. This is done by combining several tactics like keeping your directory listing updated, including relevant keywords on your website, and in some instances paying for online advertising. Since prospective clients are likely searching online based on their location, you want your firm to be one of the first results they see. To make your website rank better for local searches, it is best to include information about the region on your website. For example, some lawyers include they proudly serve specific areas where they are licensed to practice.

Be Authoritative

Even if you capture relevant searches, you need to keep prospective clients on your website so they are more likely to contact you. This is often done by creating a sense of authority. You might include static pages about important topics in law, especially topics that are frequently misunderstood by the average person. Having a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page might also be a good idea, especially if potential clients often have the same questions. Another way to appear authoritative is to have regular posts on your blog. There are a wide range of topics you can discuss, whether you are educating visitors, discussing recent changes in law, or providing case studies about previous clients and the outcome in their cases.

Much like other professions, lawyers need to have a website and take SEO seriously to grow their firm and land new clients. Following some of the basic principles of SEO will lead you on the right path to a better search engine ranking. To get help with SEO for law firms, contact an online marketing company.


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Expanding Your Customer Base

Over three years ago, I impulsively quit my job in order to start my own business. I was tired of working for other people who didn’t always have my best interests in mind when making executive decisions. After launching my home-based business, I set up my first social media page. I was amazed at how quickly new businesses could expand their customer bases through social media outlets. I was also astonished at how easy developing a page on a social media site was. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart tips to enhance your business through social media outlets. Enjoy!