Expanding Your Customer Base

Expanding Your Customer Base

How SEO Works At The Level Of Hardware And Code

Jorge Medina

Folks who are thinking about SEO rightly focus on content. The old maxim that content is king holds, but the king still needs a castle to live in. In the world of SEO services providers, that structure comes from hardware and software solutions.

You might wonder how something as content-focused as SEO can have a lower-level component. Let's look at how hardware and code affect your site's placement on search engine results pages.


Search engine companies are effectively packaging all of the world's websites as a product. Consequently, the search engine providers see their target demographic as the folks looking for stuff on the internet. You can attract a search engine's interest with good SEO standards, but the search company ultimately makes the choices for the users.

However, users are flighty creatures. They don't just want good search results. They also want to see the pages load fast. Search engine firms know this, and they strongly favor sites that load quickly.

On balance, this means you can use hardware to power SEO. Likewise, you can streamline your code to ensure pages will load as quickly as possible.

Code Powers Content

Without the underlying code on your website, the search engines and your eventual target audience members would see nothing. Code powers content in a broad sense. It also powers the entire SEO process because the search bots only see content nested inside of code.

Code features tell the search engines what the structure of a page is. H1, H2, H3, and so on tag headers, for example. By choosing to bracket a piece of content within a header, your coding decisions influence how the search engines see your site.


Similarly, code drives the link structure of a website. Clean code allows both bots and people to easily peruse the site's pages. Once more, search companies favor sites that provide sensible structures because users want speed and efficiency.

Site vs. Site Combat

SEO is fundamentally a battle between many sites for the limited attention of bots and audience members. Notably, search firms want to provide the best and most relevant content possible. Suppose one site has slow servers and clunky code, but it also has great content. That site will probably beat one with terrible content running on efficient code and hardware.

The technological component of SEO is a bit of a tie-breaker. If two sites are close to each other in content value, the speed and quality of the hardware and code will break the tie.

For more information on SEO, contact a professional near you.


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Expanding Your Customer Base

Over three years ago, I impulsively quit my job in order to start my own business. I was tired of working for other people who didn’t always have my best interests in mind when making executive decisions. After launching my home-based business, I set up my first social media page. I was amazed at how quickly new businesses could expand their customer bases through social media outlets. I was also astonished at how easy developing a page on a social media site was. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart tips to enhance your business through social media outlets. Enjoy!